Season For Love

Season for Love is a joint venture focused on supporting families with creative solutions for resolving conflict and strengthening families around shared goals. This team has 18 years of combined professional family expertise. Combining faith, practical insight, and proven methodologies, our team is impacting communities one family at a time.

Aprell Hamilton Taylor, LPC

Aprell is an educator and licensed professional counselor in private practice in the state of Georgia. Aprell views her practice as her way to serve the community. Families are the foundation of any society and helping individuals thrive and become better partners and parents is her goal. Many times relationships suffer because one or both partners have stopped growing and learning about themselves and how they show up in relationships.

Couples’ counseling is psychoeducational in nature, teaching individuals how to better communicate, how to identify areas for change and how to accept those areas that may never change. Before couples commit to divorce, many couples want to explore counseling and find that with a little work and renewed commitment the relationship can be saved.

Each couple is different and results of counseling may vary. As with most things in life, there are no guarantees.

Sherlyn “Char” Selassie

Char is licensed to practice law in Georgia & Florida. Her passion for families began with her own personal legal victories and personal success.

As a family practitioner, she has implemented the most effective strategies for avoiding the combat, hostility, and expense that often drives people through destructive legal battles. When she became more intentional about the counseling aspect of her work, she found compassionate listening and problem-solving led to more sustainable outcomes for the families she serves. Committed and creative, she combines her contract, family, and practical expertise into lasting changes for families navigating conflict.

Law for love combines the power of law, coaching, and pastoral care to provide customized solutions that promote compassion and dignity.

Group Support

Join Aprell & Char for these intimate discussions tailored for wives and husbands to have their respective safe space to share freely and connect with other couples who can lend support during their own journey through marriage.

Advisor to The King

Should I Stay?    Should I go?